Tuesday, July 24, 2007

News of the Day: 07/24/07

Well it appears not much is really going on right now. I've been really busy with other things outside of the internet, so there's never enough time to get everything done. I did however learn a really neat trick about those xat chat boxes. I learned from Alphabetsoup (mod on SM) how to hack into the chat boxes and make myself un-bannable. Pretty cool huh? I thought so. But, I am NOT going to tell anyone, so if you absolutely have to know then find Alphabetsoup and maybe (not likely) he'll share the info with you. So you mgith as well not even bother to ask and beg me for it.

If you need to talk to me for any reason you can find me on Stick Mods, blazemembers, SAheros, IOA's chat, and here of course. And you can always e-mail me too. Sometimes on the xat chat boxes I go by the name Mr. X.

I have no information on the new release of Ballistick except that it may possibly be November 29th. Xgen keeps finding bugs and errors in it so they keep having to set back the release date. (if the release dates are even real to begin with)

I have not planned on making another legit or HP anytime soon. I have grown bored with hacking, and, playing SA in general. I am practicing and playing Halo a lot now to get back into practice before the release of Halo 3. I am but $70 away from buying the Xbox 360 Elite :D

No other news for now. So as always, keep on comin to keep updated!

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